Webinar: Interpretation in Critical Contexts: Issues of Access and Quality (Recording available)

February 15, 2023 

Recording Available

This webinar explored the vital role of language interpretation in diverse settings where the stakes for achieving successful communication are high. Whether the circumstances involve a public health emergency, displacement due to conflict, or a medical or legal proceeding, individuals should be entitled to the services of a competent, and ideally professionally certified, interpreter. Yet too often a “monolingual mindset” leads institutions to overlook, underpay and misunderstand the complex positionality of these important actors, thereby endangering speakers with unmet communication needs. The webinar will also consider the potential of artificial intelligence to fill communication gaps in the absence of qualified persons to do the work. The aim of this event is to raise awareness of the need for high-quality interpretation to ensure full communication, especially in contexts where the fundamental wellbeing of speakers may be at risk.

This webinar was part of a series of events, activities and resources associated with Global Language Advocacy Day 2023 (#GLAD23), organized by the Global Coalition for Language Rights. The theme of #GLAD23 was “Language Rights Save Lives.”
