Language, Culture and Justice Hub
International Criminal Justice
Language Rights in the Context of Migration
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Language and international law
March 2025: Race, Culture and Mental Illness in the International Criminal Court’s Ongwen Judgment: Biases and Blindspots
February 2025: Language, Discourse, and Media Literacy: Building Resilience in the Age of Misinformation
Alireza Salehi-Nejad
Leigh Swigart
Álvaro Paúl
Brianne McGonigle Leyh
Alexander Heinze
Marie-Hélène Girard
Ahmed El Khamloussy
Julie Fraser
Ellen Elias-Bursać
December 2022: “What does English-language dominance mean for the field of international law and justice?”
July 2022: “Introducing the Macquarie Laws of War Corpus (MQLWC)”
June 2022: “The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) and Human Law – a new research field”
May 2022: “Linguistic Refoulement: Exploring the Intersection Between Language and Asylum”
May 2021: “A Seat at the Table: Islamic Law’s Neglected Potential in Universalising International Humanitarian Law”
March 2021: “How International War Law Makes Violence Legal: A Case Study of the Rome Statute”
February 2021: “Identity and Diversity on the International Bench: Who Is the Judge?”
November 2020: “Book Unpacks Crucial Ways in Which Law and Culture Are Intertwined”
June 2020: “Back to the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda”
March 2020: “Searching for Language to Describe Discrimination on the Basis of Work and Descent”
November 2019: ‘A Look at Language and Culture Issues in Mass Violence Trials’