Head of English Division
European Court of Human Rights
Strasbourg, France
[email protected]
I have been a translator in the English Language Division at the European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg, since 2005. I have also worked at the International Court of Justice and as a court interpreter/translator in Lyon, France. I hold degrees in French studies and in European Union and comparative law. I have lectured and written articles on the right to language assistance in criminal proceedings.
- “Conveying the right message: principles and problems of multilingual communication at the European Court of Human Rights”, in Stanislaw Gozdz Roszkowski & Gianluca Pontrandolfo (eds), Law, Language and the Courtroom, London/New York: Routledge, 217-230, 2021.
https://www.routledge.com/Law-Language-and-the-Courtroom-Legal-Linguistics-and-the-Discourse-of/Roszkowski-Pontrandolfo/p/book/9780367721855. - “La traduction à la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme : organisation et pratique.” In La langue du procès international, questions de justice linguistique, Isabelle Pingel and Jean-Claude Barbato, eds, 139-153. Paris: Pedone (2022).
- “From the domestic to the supranational: the terminology of “expulsion” as used at the European Court of Human Rights”. Handbook of Terminology. Volume 3. Legal terminology. Łucja Biel and Hendrik J. Kockaert (eds), Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2023, 327-350.https://www.benjamins.com/online/hot/articles/dom2.
- “The day-to-day practice of jurilinguistics at the European Court of Human Rights: challenges and constraints for translators”. Research Handbook on Jurilinguistics, Anne Wagner, Aleksandra Matulewska (eds), Northampton : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023, 321-334 (Chapter 20).
https://www.elgaronline.com/edcollchap/book/9781802207248/book-part-9781802207248-30.xml - Max Planck Encyclopaedia of International Procedural Law, 2018, “Translation of Judgments: European Court of Human Rights” (subscribers only).
- “Identifying Written Translation in Criminal Proceedings as a Separate Right: Scope and Supervision Under European Law,” The Journal of Specialised Translation Issue 27 – January 2017.
- “Identifying Written Translation in Criminal Proceedings as a Separate Right: Scope and Supervision Under European Law,” QUALETRA launch conference, London, 4 April 2013.
- “Le rôle du traducteur à la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme,” Traduire, 2009, no. 220, 24–35. Paris: SFT.