Academic and linguist
[email protected]
I work as an assistant professor at the Department of English, Patna Women’s College, India. I earned a PhD in Linguistics from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, specializing in Phonetics and Phonology.
My main research interests revolve around phonetics, phonology, and language documentation. I presented my research on Lexical tones in Western Indo-Aryan languages at South Asian Language Analysis Roundtable-35 at the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations (INALCO), in Paris, France, in 2019.
I have been a frequent guest speaker at various international symposiums and language festivals. I am one of the members of the editorial board for Vivid: Journal of Language and Literature, an international peer-reviewed journal published by the English Department of Andalas University, Indonesia, as well as Jurnal Arbitrer, an international peer-reviewed journal published by Universitas Andalas, Indonesia. I am also the Associate Editor for Lokaratana, an international peer-reviewed e-journal published by Folklore Foundation, Bhubaneshwar. I have been affiliated with the research methodology teaching programme at institutions abroad over the past few years.
Recently, I have been taking a keen interest in the areas of linguistic rights and language justice. My most recent talk on “Language Rights in the Indian Context” on Global Language Advocacy Day, organized by Global Coalition for Language Rights, emphasized the significance of language rights, the situation of multilingual Indian democracy along with the efforts to conserve tribal languages in the Indian context. I have also sensitized Indian students on the issues of linguistic rights and language justice thereby playing a role in shaping one’s identity. In the future, I wish to sensitize more people in these emerging fields, thereby creating awareness about the importance of linguistic rights in the overall context of human rights. Besides, it is important to maintain all languages as they reflect the country’s past and therefore its culture.
Areas of Interest
- Phonetics and phonology
- Applied linguistics
- Language documentation
- Linguistic rights and language justice
Invited Talks Abroad
- “Lexical tones in Dogri,” International Symposium on linguistics organized by the department of Humanities, Andalas University, Indonesia, Nov. 21, 2020.
- Western Indo-Aryan languages, Surabaya Sydney Language Festival, Feb. 21, 2021.
- “Living languages and threatened tongues: A look at Linguistic diversity and Endangerment in India,” lingua talk organized by Lingua Franca Community, Surabaya, Indonesia, Oct. 22, 2021.
- “Suprasegmentals in Dogri,” Surabaya Sydney Language Festival, Feb. 19, 2022.
- “General Principles of Research,” Centre for Languages UCSI University, Malaysia, March 18, 2022.
- “Musicality and Rhythm in Narrative Techniques in Dogri Folktales,” 4th World Conference in Social Sciences at Oxford, June 4, 2022.