Professor of Law
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Santiago, Chile
[email protected]
I obtained my PhD at Trinity College Dublin (2013), my master’s degree (Magister Juris) at the University of Oxford (2009), and my law degree (Licenciado) at the Universidad de los Andes (Chile, 2003). I am also the director of the law journal Revista Chilena de Derecho.
I have previously worked in Chile as a researcher, a parliamentary assistant and an attorney. My PhD thesis dealt with evidence before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.
I was admitted to the Chilean Bar in 2004. I have been a guest professor at the Center for Civil and Human Rights at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana (2015), and the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (2017), as well as a visiting faculty member at Notre Dame Law School (2019). I have also been a study visitor at the European Court of Human Rights (Strasbourg, 2013), an intern at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (Washington D.C., 2012), and a professional visitor (intern) at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (San José de Costa Rica, 2010).
Among other distinctions, I have been awarded two Fondecyt Research Projects and been granted scholarships from both the British Council and the Chilean Government. My undergraduate thesis was honoured with the Fundación Fueyo Laneri award for being one of the best degree theses of 2003 (published as a hardcopy book by Lexis Nexis).
I have published articles in both English and Spanish as well as two books.
Research Interests
- International human rights law
- International procedural law
- Decision-making processes
Relevant Publications
- “Translation Challenges of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and Cost-Effective Proposals for Improvement,” Inter-American and European Human Rights Journal, 2012, No. 5, pp. 3-26.
- “Tradiciones Indígenas en la Aplicación de la Ley Penal” (Juzgado de Garantía de Arica), Valdivia, Revista de Derecho Universidad Austral, vol. 27, Nº 2: pp. 271-276, ISSN 0718-0950, Comentario de Sentencia Scielo.
More Information
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile profile page
- List of publications at