Assistant Professor
Institute for Criminal Law and Justice
Department for Foreign and International Criminal Law
Georg-August University
Göttingen, German
[email protected]
I am an assistant professor at the University of Göttingen, Germany, and am doing a “Habilitation” project on the semantic interdependence of criminal law and its interpretation. I hold a doctor’s degree in international criminal law (with honors) and received my master’s in international and comparative law from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, with distinction.
I am a member of the International Law Association’s Committee on Complementarity in International Criminal Law, co-editor of the German Law Journal and book review editor of the Criminal Law Forum. I am also a member of the Anglo-German Dialogue Project, the Irish Jurisprudence Society and the Expert Group for Private International Criminal Investigations. I have been working for the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court as a visiting professional and obtained both State Examina in Germany, which qualifies me to practice both as a lawyer and in the Justice System.
I have published various papers on topics such as international criminal law and procedure; media law; comparative criminal law; human rights law; and jurisprudence. My book “International Criminal Procedure and Disclosure” (Duncker & Humblot, 2014) won three awards.
I submitted amicus curiae observations (together with Professor Kai Ambos) to the International Criminal Court in the proceedings relating to the authorisation of an investigation into the Situation in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and was an expert of the Committee for Legal Affairs and Consumer Protection (pdf) of the German Parliament in the public hearing of the draft law on the abolishment of s. 103 of the German Criminal Code (defamation of organs and representatives of foreign states). I am currently involved in two projects that received external funding: first, in the research about the practical implications of the European Investigation Order (funded by the European Commission); second, in the research about the Digitalisation of the Criminal Law (funded by the German Academic Exchange Service).
Relevant Publications
- Bridge Over Troubled Water: A Semantic Approach to Purposes and Goals in International Criminal Justice, International Criminal Law Review 18 (2018), 929-957 (peer-reviewed).
- International Criminal Procedure and Disclosure, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 2014.
- The Kosovo Specialist Chambers’ Rules of Procedure and Evidence: A Diamond Made Under Pressure? Journal of International Criminal Justice 2017, 15(5), 985-1009 (peer-reviewed).
- Planning and Inciting Violent Protests Through Social Media, Criminal Law and Practice Review 2 (2018), 29-51.
- The Statute of the International Criminal Court as a Kantian Constitution, in: Morten Bergsmo and Emiliano J. Buis (eds.), Philosophical Foundations of International Criminal Law: Correlating Thinkers, Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, Brussels, 2018, S. 351-428.
- Private International Criminal Investigations” (pdf), Zeitschrift für Internationale Strafrechtsdogmatik 2019, 169-181.